Posted on: 17 Sep 2012
Written by: Ngaire Ackerley
I’ve been working with WordPress for over two years now. I used to do a lot of static HTML and CSS website design and development in the past and I’ve got to say WordPress has shown me the light over the last few years.
It’s brilliant how the WordPress Content Management System (CMS) is so simple for users to add content and media. This means that I can create great original designs and develop suitable code for sites, while knowing they will still be easy for my clients to update and use on a regular basis. It is pretty impressive that a website system can be so successful for simple blogging as well as an in-depth website CMS.
I’m a self-taught WordPress front-end developer, as well as being a designer and coming from a Computer Graphic Design background, which leads me to the reason for this post…
Coming from a self-taught background (like many WordPress developers), I thought I’d share a few of my favourite useful links for any other developers or newbie’s to WordPress that would like to learn more when it comes to WordPress and website design. I’m sure if I went through all my Delicious bookmarks in detail this list would be exhausted, but here is my ‘most used’ top ten – although in no particular order:
This is the home of WordPress and always my first point of call if I need to look something up or solve a problem. Not only does the codex have excellent explanations, it also is home to some great forums for people that want to discuss WordPress problems.
This is a site that is slowly building up, it’s home to loads of functions for the technically-minded WordPress developer. It has an easy to use interface that tells you the bare bones about a piece of code, then you can click on it and be shown examples and more detail.
This site contains some goodies when in comes to WordPress code. Ever had that moment where you’re thinking of a piece of code you did somewhere, but you just can’t think of where? Well type some key words into WP-Snippets and it will pop up with some useful ideas for you.
For those who aren’t put off by a teenager that knows the ins and outs of WordPress. It has easy to read articles relating to WordPress for the techie and not-too-techie sort of person.
If you’ve hit a pretty difficult lump of code, then this could be your answer. WordPress Answers on stackexchange have plenty of brilliant WordPress coders out there just itching to help others. Do a bit of a search with your issue before posting a question – as more often than not, you’ll find someone that has had the same problem!
Most web designers and developers will have heard of but if you haven’t its definitely worth checking out for a variety of design and development articles from a range of talented industry writers.
This is a more well rounded website blog that is about website design in general. That’s not to say that they don’t contain some developer and WordPress posts, they certainly do from time to time. I find it useful to get ideas and branch out of the codey brain sometimes.
A great inspirational presentation on web design. Looking at it from a perspective that invisible design is timeless and original, rather than following trends.
This website has inspiration for how to handle media queries for responsive web design. It contains some nice layouts to consider and ponder when designing websites. Media Queries is also good when you are trying to decide the flow of information as a website turns responsive on the various device platforms.
There are very few web designers/developers out there that wouldn’t have heard of Chris Coyier and CSS Tricks. He knows CSS inside out and isn’t afraid to share his wealth of knowledge. His website contains handy blog articles, tutorials and code snippets for anyone that uses CSS.