Posted on: 16 Jul 2015
Written by: Ngaire Ackerley
Jam Mayer
Earlier this week I attended my first meetup since I’ve returned to New Zealand. It was a bloggers meetup focused around WordPress this month. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to meet some people that were interested in WordPress, the content management system that I’ve used for the last 5 years as I design and develop websites for businesses and charities.
With around 20 people, 2 organisers and the location of the sparkling Zomato office in Auckland it was set to be a good night. One of the organisers – Jam Mayer kicked off with a basic overview of This was followed by guest speaker – Dan Ballard talking about monetising your blog and a bit about self hosted websites.
Sadly there wasn’t enough time to go into a great deal about the two ways of using WordPress for blogs and websites, but it got people interested which was great.
Dan Ballard
As a past organiser of the WordPress London meetup group and avid speaker to businesses and charities I have a selection of presentations for people involved with WordPress or seeking a bit more information. They can be found at
Nothing was mentioned about the ability to have custom designed themes in WordPress at the meetup this week, so this blog post I wrote about that recently may also be of interest to bloggers or people starting out with WordPress and wanting more customisation and individuality than what stock themes allow
I attended the NZ Bloggers Network meetup after creating a guest post for everyone on their site about 10 Top Tips for WordPress Bloggers. While the website is a work in progress for the network organisers, I hope that the information in that post is helpful to people. Within it I cover the 10 topics of:
The full guest post I wrote can be found at
For more information about design and development of WordPress websites feel free to contact me at
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